
Vegetable Farming

Vegetable farming is a type of crop production intended primarily for human consumption of the crop’s edible parts such as the shoot, leaves, fruits, and roots.

Summer Vegetables

Summer vegetables include tomato, hot pepper, sweet pepper, brinjal, cucumber, okra, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, apple gourd, pumpkin, arum, potato, mint, turmeric, ginger, musk melon, water melon, sweet potato & groundnut are summer crops.

The best time of sowing is spring (Feb, March) and they will produce till September, October.

Winter Vegetables

Winter vegetable includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, potato, onion, lettuce leaf, radish, turnip, peas, spinach, fenugreek, beets, mustard, coriander, mint & garlic.

The best sowing time of winter vegetables is September, October and they will produce till Feb, March.

The above mentioned seasons are generally suited for most areas, but there are certain exceptions varying from crop to crop. for example tomato can be grown year around in Karachi or similar areas, but you cannot grow it in those parts of country where frost is certain also there are different varieties for different seasons for example summer radish variety is different from winter variety.


Sagian Bypass waterland park , Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

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